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5 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Website Built

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A website is the cornerstone of your business. It’s how you can reach your audience, show off your work, and stay in touch with people who are interested in what you do. But before you get started, there are some things to consider. Will your business need a blog? What about email marketing or social media integration? How can you make sure that it’s easy for people to find you on Google? Here are five things to think about when getting a website built.

What to consider before getting a website built

What will your business need?

Before you can get started on any of the other aspects of developing your website, it’s important to think about what your business will need. What type of content will be featured on the site? Will you want a blog to post new articles every week? Will you want an email newsletter to stay in touch with people who subscribed? How will this site be integrated with social media? By considering these questions as early as possible, you’ll make sure that everything is set up from the start.

How do you want people to find your website?

Before building a website, it’s important to think – how do I want my audience to find me on Google? One way is through SEO. However, you also have the option of getting a domain name and hosting package or advertising on Facebook or LinkedIn for example. You can also use paid search which is when companies pay Google for their ads on the search engine page. Whatever option you choose, make sure that it aligns with your marketing goals.

Do you have a clear idea of what content will be featured on your site?

One of the most important things before getting a website built is understanding what content will be featured on the site. This includes all of the pages and updates that are going to happen over time. It’s best not only to create an outline but also draft pages for each section so that there won’t be any surprises down the line when it comes

Different types of websites

There are many types of websites. Different types have different purposes.

Your website could be a blog, an e-commerce site, or any number of other types. It really depends on what you need it to do for your business.

If you’re planning on selling products online, then you’ll need an e-commerce website with the ability to take payments and manage inventory. If you just want to share your work with people who are interested in what you do, then a portfolio site would work best for that purpose. And if you want to create an online community or forum where people can meet and discuss things, then a social networking website is best for this type of purpose.

Basic principles of web design

The design of your website is the first thing people will notice. And you know what they say about first impressions? They can be difficult to shake. That’s why it’s important to take the time to think about how you want your site to look, and whether it should have a certain feel or style. Your design should reflect your brand so that it conveys your message just as effectively offline as online.

It’s also important for your website to load quickly. Nearly 40 percent of people who land on a webpage abandon it if the site isn’t loading within three seconds. The faster your site loads, the more likely customers are to stick around long enough to learn about your business.

There are many benefits of having an email list, but one of the most valuable is being able to communicate with potential customers, clients, or members on a regular basis without having to rely on social media updates. Email marketing means that you’re not only reaching prospects – you’re connecting with them directly through their inboxes, building relationships with them over time. There are many ways that businesses use email marketing – some send out newsletters or other promotional updates periodically while others opt for more personalized campaigns that include special offers and coupons for members of their list only. Whatever your strategy may be, email marketing is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy that needs to be taken seriously in order for it to succeed!

Do you need a website?

The first step is to figure out whether you really need a website. If you don’t have enough content for a blog, or if your business is primarily offline, there might not be an urgent need for one.

However, if you plan on publishing content like articles or videos, having a site that’s easy to find on Google is an absolute must. It can take months of work to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs), but by building your website with SEO in mind, you’ll get the best chance of making it happen.

Keeping up appearances

When thinking about a website, it’s important to consider how your website will represent you and your business. You want people to like what they see! You want them to trust you and feel like they can work with you. When hiring a designer or developer, make sure that they have experience in the industry you’re in. If you need help managing SEO, make sure the developer has experience with on-page optimization and link building.

* A blog: If you plan on blogging, then the developer will need to create a blog for your site. Blogging is a great way for businesses to stay in touch with their audience and keep up appearances.

* Social media integration: A lot of developers include social media integration into their sites so that it’s easy for people to follow your company on social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter without leaving the site.

* Contact form: Make sure your contact form is easily accessible from every page of the site so that visitors can send an email without having to scroll through your entire site looking for it.

* Easy navigation: To avoid losing visitors in between pages, make sure that it’s easy for people who visit your site to find a way back home again by including a navigation bar at the top of each page or along the side of each page depending on the layout of your site.

* Clear calls-to-action: Whether it’s through social media integration, contact forms, blogs, or informational pages, make sure there are clear

Branding and logo design

What will your website say about your business? Will people get a sense of what you are all about from the way it looks?

A professional logo is key to establishing your brand. It’s also crucial for creating an identity that is recognizable in the design of your site.

Some designers prefer to work with their clients to develop a logo, while others may come up with one on their own. Either way, make sure you discuss this in detail before moving forward. Your logo will be featured prominently on every page of your website, so it should be something you’re both happy with!

You’ll also want to establish a colour palette for your site. Colours can evoke feelings and emotions in visitors, so it’s important that these colours represent who you are as a company. Once again, this is something that should be discussed before getting started.

Colours and typography

While it’s tempting to dive into the design, you need to think about how your audience interacts with your website. What colours will they see? How much text should there be on the homepage? How should the content be laid out? You want a website that is easy for people to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

The colours on your website should reflect the tone of your work and who you’re trying to attract. For example, if you sell jewellery, it’s likely that your colour scheme will include warm tones like oranges and yellows. And while some typography can seem too modern or trendy, going too basic with something like Arial font could make your site seem outdated.

It’s important to consider these things when designing a website so that you can present yourself in the best possible light while also meeting the needs of a variety of different audiences.

Blogs and content management systems

A blog or content management system is a great way to stay in touch with customers, share your expertise, and keep your site fresh.

Blogs allow your business to establish an authoritative voice and share industry knowledge. In addition, they’re a great platform for customer feedback and testimonials. Today’s customers want authenticity from brands, and a blog can be a great way to offer that.

Content management systems are important for companies who need more control over the design of their website. They also allow for multiple content editors so if you have a team working on your website, you don’t have to worry about editing privileges being revoked. They provide the ability to change colours, fonts, and images on the fly without having to switch templates or redesign the entire website.

HTML vs WordPress

There are two ways to build your website. You can either do it yourself with HTML, or you can work with a web designer who will build it for you using WordPress. If you’re looking for a simpler process, then the DIY method might be best. However, this requires that you have some knowledge about coding and sometimes building a site from scratch can be time-consuming. The other option is to use WordPress which is an open-source platform that’s easy to use and learn.


Now that you understand what you need to know before getting a website built, it’s time to get started. There are a number of decisions to make—what type of website do you want? Where will it be hosted? What’s your budget? Where can you find a web designer? Should you build a website at all?—but the right answers will help ensure your website is a success. And, in the end, that’s what really matters.

Get in touch today to see how we can help.

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